
Woodchuck July 14, 2024

Woodchuck July 14, 2024

I cannot believe it’s been 21 full days at camp as of tonight. I am writing this letter to you with the sounds of laughter and music blaring from the dinning hall. This has easily been my best summer ever as Owner/Director here at camp. The way the kids have all taken to the CRH magic is a never ending source of pride for us older people at camp.

Speaking of older people, I think one of the keys to this summer’s success has been (as usual) our incredible staff led by over 60 former campers. The addition of many more middle managers to watch over the staff and kids has made my job extremely easy. We have 15 people at our pre wake up meetings. Ranging in age from 21 to 80 these special people with over 275 years of CRH summer experience bring a passion, commitment, and love to CRH that is unmatched in the camping world.

We have had two many special accomplishments to name tonight. But for me, it’s the formation of 18 families out in the Realm. The way the campers and staff have bonded is always the highlight for me. Watching kids who were terrified just 3 weeks ago dance, sing, and cry with their brothers and sisters is heartwarming. We are all so comfortable and feeling confident in our summer home. The campers have learned to trust and lean on each other. I am sure that they have made life long friendships with both their staff and fellow campers.

As I said to the camp three weeks ago at our first dinner together: All I insisted is that they be kind and respectful towards each other. I asked them to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, thanked them for giving me the opportunity to be their biggest cheerleader this summer, and I promised that if they gave this place a chance – like Chuck Illig in his 59th summer, Michelle Brockman in her 35th summer, or Peter Corbin in his 25th summer – they too would look back at every summer as the best ever and learn to lean on their camp friends like none other.

Thank to you parents for trusting me and taking this leap.


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