Robin Hood’s FNOO ("For Needs Of Others") is an innovative program designed to instill a strong sense of service and community among our campers. Built and led by experts in Changemaker Education, we are proud to offer three different engaging, age-appropriate ways for children to learn the importance of giving back. The programs aim to inspire year-round commitment to service while enriching kid’s personal lives and the communities and world in which we all live. Check out our videos and program videos below.
For 2025 Foresters/Saxons and Shire/Scribes (this year's 9th and 10th graders only)
3 days + 2 nights | Nov. 9-11
ENROLL- What is Fall FNOO?
Fall FNOO is a reunion weekend at Robin Hood for incoming 2025 Shires/Scribes and Foresters/Saxons (current 9th and 10th graders) geared towards fun, friendship and the Needs of Others.
Space is limited to the first 40 kids.
We launched Project FNOO (For the Needs of Others) as a pilot program at camp this summer teaching campers about community service and making a difference in society on issues of importance to them. After receiving so much positive feedback about it, we are thrilled to expand this offering.
Many young people today are well aware of and passionate about social issues affecting our society, yet feel disempowered without training or support in what to do about them. This program will help campers who care to turn their compassion into action to make a difference in a way that empowers and inspires them. It will also be fun!
- What are the dates and times?
Veteran's Day Weekend, Saturday November 9 starting at Noon, ending Monday November 11 at Noon.
- How should we arrive/depart?
Parents can either drop-off/pick up from Camp. Or, you can arrange flights in/out of Boston or Portland. If flying, we will transport kids to camp. Please make sure they arrive by plane by Noon on Saturday and depart on flights after 2PM on Monday.
- What are the activities?
We will reunite, reconnect and enjoy being together with our closest friends in our favorite place! You'll be amazed about how gorgeous Camp is in the Fall with the leaves changing colors.
Camp and many of our activities will be open for play and fun. As the oldest kids in camp next summer, we are looking at you as the leaders of Camp. Because of this, we will also spend some time each day working on Project FNOO. We will refresh some of the FNOO learning from the summer, talk about issues that are important to us, and as a group, help plan for Robin Hood Gives Back Day in 2025. Don't worry, we will find the perfect balance between Camp Robion Hood fun and delving deeper into Project FNOO.
For those who sign up for Year-Round FNOO Coaching, we will also work with you on your IOI (Issue of Importance) and help guide your plan for what you can do to make a difference on it when you get home.
We also have some fun tricks up our sleeves to make Fall FNOO one of the most memorable and meaningful weekends of the year.
- Who are the counselors?
We are working on this but there will be familiar CRH faces and favorites.
Danielle Holtz is a Chicago-based educator dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. Since age 11, Danielle has campaigned and worked with organizations focused on gender equity, renewable energy, and plant-based nutrition. As Lead Educator at Youth Empowered Action Camp, Danielle facilitated workshops on social change and, during the summer of 2024, served as the FNOO Educator in the collaboration with Camp Robinhood. A recent Masters in Education from UPenn, Danielle is driven by a passion for helping others discover and pursue meaningful change in the issues they care about.
- How about the Food?
Yensi will be there and promises banquet food even better than camp food! We'll get Pizza Barn too!
- Early November could be cold! Where will we sleep?
Don't worry, we have enough heated bunks for everyone! We will supply sheets, blankets and towels too.
- Are cell phones allowed?
You can bring your phone, but we will only use them for FNOO-related activities and research as instructed.
- Can the time count against my volunteer hours?
Yes! Please 100% confirm with your school or organization, but we will be happy to write you a letter saying you spent volunteer hours working on Project FNOO.
- Can I put this on my resume for college?
You bet! You will be able to say you attended “Camp Robin Hood's Fall Service Leadership Weekend”. Not only that, but we think this will be the start of a bigger story you'll be able to tell to differentiate yourself for college admissions. But ultimately, that will come down to you, the issue you care most about and the actions you take. We are excited to help you on this journey and hope you will also sign up for Year Round FNOO!
- How much does Fall FNOO cost?
For 2025 Archers through Saxons, and Bows through Scribes (anyone in 5th grade or higher)
6 months of coaching | November - April
ENROLL- What is Year-Round FNOO Program?
Year-Round FNOO is a leadership and mentorship program designed to help 2025 Archers-Saxons and Bows-Scribes (current 5th-10th Graders) stay connected to their camp friends and the issues in the world they care about. The program will help kids become self-sufficient, well-rounded, productive members of their home communities, the United States and even the World.
We launched FNOO (For the Needs of Others) as a pilot program at camp this summer teaching campers about community service and making a difference in society on issues of importance to them. After receiving so much positive feedback about it, we are thrilled to expand this offering.
Many young people today are well aware of and passionate about social issues affecting our society, yet feel disempowered without training or support in what to do about them. This program will help campers who care turn their compassion into action to make a difference in a way that empowers and inspires them.
The curriculum is geared towards developing knowledge, confidence, community, and practical skills, such as fundraising and philanthropy, nonviolent communication skills, civic engagement, allyship, social entrepreneurship, and activism for a cause they care about.
- What are the dates, commitments and times?
The program runs for six months. November to April.
The total time commitment is 12-18 hours which includes:
- 1-hour group Zoom with other Robin Hood kids and experienced educator each month (Exact dates and times TBD)
- Two, 30-minute 1:1 coaching sessions, per month (Dates and times per agreement)
- Offline, instructor guided, camper-led work. (Anytime, at the camper’s convenience)
- What is the curriculum for the monthly sessions?
Project FNOO will develop campers’ knowledge, skills, confidence, and community to be able to take effective action to make a difference on a cause they care about that’s impacting their school. community, or society.
Each month, we will introduce a new advocacy skill that will be taught in practical ways for campers to try out that month, with the support of our FNOO community, and applied to a cause of their choice. These are leadership skills that if pursued further could both make a big difference on their cause as well as be training they can continue to use in the future in their career or refer to in resumes or applications.
Some skills campers may have the opportunity to learn and to practice with our Team FNOO are:
- Researching and contacting their legislators
- Creating a fundraiser for the nonprofit organization of their choice
- Creating an online petition with a specific ask for something they care about
- Creating an awareness campaign about the cause of their choice using digital design tools, writing, art, or whatever platform they choose
- Strengthening their communication and people skills to have healthy, strategic, and effective dialogue about a cause they care about that will be appropriate for their audience and goals, boost their confidence, and help them find their voice.
- Identifying local opportunities to volunteer or get involved with in their community in a way that inspires them Create or join a school club to achieve specific goals they may have to make a difference
Project FNOO holistically and strategically addresses the many internal obstacles that can keep people from taking action or being effective, such as shyness or social anxiety; fear of rejection; overconcern about fitting in and the opinions of others; imposter syndrome or limiting beliefs; as well as practical matters like time management, goal-setting, and following through on goals. These are invaluable life skills that transcend way beyond anything they may accomplish in FNOO.
- What will we do in the 1:1 coaching sessions and what kind of offline work is involved?
Kids will choose the Issue of Importance (IOI) they’re most passionate about and we will help them with strategies that inspire them to make a difference.
The 1:1 coaching sessions will be invaluable opportunities to get encouragement, support, and advice on how to advance work around their IOI from a knowledgeable educator and role model with experience in community advocacy and non-violent social change work.
Kids will pursue their IOI projects offline on their own time based on learning effective strategies to make a difference on the cause of their choice. Some examples could be launching a fundraiser, writing an article for their school newspaper or creating a video for social media, or contacting their legislators to advocate for a cause they care about.
Kids can use the 1:1 coaching calls as they choose to, such as by discussing any trouble they may have had with any of their projects, any questions or concerns they have, or even by brainstorming a larger project they would like to work on in the future. They could use this time to ask for help with practical aspects of their personal projects (such as advice on the specific wording of their fundraiser) or to talk through any personal challenges they may have with a project (such as fear of rejection or judgment if someone doesn’t donate).
Finally, the 1:1 time is an opportunity to connect closely with a supportive mentor outside of a school setting who can observe their work ethic and passions, and who may be a future work reference or provide college letters of recommendation
- Who are the instructors?
Danielle Holtz is a Chicago-based educator dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. Since age 11, Danielle has campaigned and worked with organizations focused on gender equity, renewable energy, and plant-based nutrition. As Lead Educator at Youth Empowered Action Camp, Danielle facilitated workshops on social change and, during the summer of 2024, served as the FNOO Educator in the collaboration with Camp Robinhood. A recent Masters in Education from UPenn, Danielle is driven by a passion for helping others discover and pursue meaningful change in the issues they care about.
- How will this program be different than other similar programs my child has access to?
It’s wonderful if your child already is part of a program, class, or organization that teaches service learning, community service, or how to make a difference in the world. Unfortunately, most students do not have access to these types of programs, but there are many ways to teach about these complex topics, and they are important enough that we don’t think it would be a problem for someone to spend “too much” time thinking about how they can make our world a better place.
FNOO is an empowerment and leadership program led by experienced changemakers and educators and including 1:1 support to instill in campers the belief that they can make an impact in much bigger ways than they may have considered before. Unlike in most other settings, FNOO takes a “whole child” approach in directly addressing limiting beliefs and perceived obstacles, challenging campers to expand their comfort zones and imaginations to take inspired action for what they believe in.
And, the program is connected to Robin Hood, their camp friends and a continuation of this work that is being planned for the summer of 2025
- Can the time count against my volunteer hours?
Yes! Please 100% confirm with your school or organization, but we will be happy to write you a letter saying you spent volunteer hours working on Project FNOO.
- Can I put this on my resume for college?
You bet! Not only that, but we think this will be the start of a bigger story you’ll be able to tell to differentiate yourself for college admissions. But ultimately, that will come down to you, the issue you care most about and the actions you take. We are excited to help you on this journey!
- How much does Year Round FNOO cost?
- I still have questions. How can I learn more?
Please contact Adam Lippard by text at 415-515-1100 to set up a time to talk.
For Junior Campers, TPJs through Squires and Scouts through Jesters (current kindergarten-4th graders)
2 FREE online, play-based sessions
one this Fall, another next Spring
- What is the Junior FNOO Program?
For our Junior Campers, TPJs-Squires and Scouts-Jesters (current Kindergarten-4th Graders), we are going to have two online, play-based sessions - one this Fall and another next Spring - to learn more about the positive values of service and giving back.
We launched Project FNOO (For the Needs of Others) as a pilot program at camp this summer teaching campers about community service and making a difference in society on issues of importance to them. After receiving so much positive feedback about it, we are thrilled to expand this offering.
Junior FNOO is a program to tap into values Robin Hood holds dear – being mindful for the needs of others and taking leadership to be the change we wish to see in the world. We will focus on caring about making our world a better place and the importance of being a positive influence in our community… with our camp friends!
- What are the dates, commitments and times?
One hour group Zoom with other Robin Hood campers and an experienced educator in November and one hour in April (Dates and times TBD)
- What will we do?
During these online sessions, campers will consider what the phrase “to be the change you wish to see in the world” means to them. How would they like the world to be, and what values or behaviors could they embody to move our world in that direction?
Through games, age-appropriate discussions, art, and envisioning the future, campers will connect with their Robin Hood friends in new and meaningful ways that we hope will inspire them throughout the school year and beyond.
- Who are the Instructors?
Danielle Holtz is a Chicago-based educator dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. Since age 11, Danielle has campaigned and worked with organizations focused on gender equity, renewable energy, and plant-based nutrition. As Lead Educator at Youth Empowered Action Camp, Danielle facilitated workshops on social change and, during the summer of 2024, served as the FNOO Educator in the collaboration with Camp Robinhood. A recent Masters in Education from UPenn, Danielle is driven by a passion for helping others discover and pursue meaningful change in the issues they care about.
- Can the time count against my volunteer hours?
Yes! Please 100% confirm with your school or organization, but we will be happy to write you a letter saying you spent volunteer hours working on Project FNOO.
- How much does Junior FNOO cost?
It's Free!