
Woodchuck 6/28

Another beautiful day in The Realm. It’s hard to believe it’s almost been one week. I guess we are proving the old adage “time flies when you’re having fun” to be true.

Today was the beginning of a new initiative this summer at RobinHood, FNOO. FNOO, which stands for “for the needs of others,” is something we say before every meal. The full sentence, “Make us ever mindful of the needs of others” is something we hope to instill in our staff and campers. Today, the Scouts, Tumblers, Jesters, Bows, TPs, Jugglers, Squires, and Archers got their first taste of the FNOO program, discussing empathy and justice within their group. Middle and senior campers will start tomorrow!

Elsewhere at camp, activities were in full swing. By now, every camper has had a chance to play on our newly resurfaced tennis courts. Our amazing tennis staff is planning some Wimbledon themed ideas in honor of the tournament starting next week. The Bards and Shires

Meanwhile, senior boys camp had a big day outside of The Realm. The Saxons enjoyed a morning long pontoon ride to the main lake in the morning while the Friars were out mini golfing. The Foresters were gone for the better part of the day trekking a double peak – Mount Morgan and Mount Percival.

This evening, we had a couple of HUGE challenges. The Squires took on the Health Center in a game of Blitzball. At the Rink, the Yeomen and Lancers battled each other in bombardment, where ultimately the Yeomen prevailed. After regular Evening Activities, the 15U boys basketball team scrimmaged some staff members in preparation for the big game against West End, which is tomorrow night.

Sweet dreams from 03836

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