
Woodchuck July 21, 2024

Woodchuck July 21, 2024

We are so fortunate here at Camp RobinHood. Today was another beautiful day. Blue skies, perfect temperature, and a nice breeze throughout The Realm. This morning, we said our goodbyes to the four-weekers. While it was sad to see them off, as one of the great counselors once said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” We channeled that thought throughout the rest of the day here. For those that left, we will make sure we have the BEST final couple of weeks in your honor. We will miss you and we hope to see you next year.

At dinner, Woody announced the first few excursions that will leave tomorrow. The Bards will be going white water rafting, among other things. Meanwhile, the Saxons and Scribes are set to leave early tomorrow morning to surf and explore the northeast. That is, of course, as long as Green and White doesn’t break tonight…

For those that are new, the Green and White “break” is the event, or sequence of events, that signifies the beginning of Color War. At the Boys Camp campfire tonight, Chuck talked about some of the most memorable ones of the past 59 summers. One of his favorites was a break in the 1970s. The whole camp was at Fenway Park for a Red Sox game. All of a sudden, in the middle of the game, a plane flew through the sky with a “RobinHood Green and White” banner. The CRH section erupted in pandemonium. Within a minute or two, the sections nearby were also chanting “Green and White” with the kids. We’ll see what happens this summer…

Sweet dreams from The Realm!

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