
Monthly Archives: June 2024

WoodChuck 6/25

WoodChuck 6/25
Good morning from the Realm, on a bright sunny day with no chance for rain. After flag raising,
we headed into the dining hall for a fan favorite breakfast, Belgian Waffles, plus the usual fresh
fruit and cereals. We are off to a great start.
Mountain trips headed out after breakfast. Jester and Bow groups will be climbing
Green Mountain close to camp with excellent views of our lake from the firetower on top. This
afternoon the Squires will do the same hike.
Younger groups (TPJ’s Scouts, Tumblers) climbed Rattlesnake, an easy hike with great views
of Lake Winnipesaukee yesterday.
Full day of activities. There are three activities in the morning and three in the afternoon.
All activities are open. It is a tough job getting all 18 groups scheduled for six periods a day.
Over a couple of days, every group gets to all activities at least once. For most groups, the
waterfront goes every day.
In conclusion, I am going to give you a little insight into our kitchen crew that puts out
over 600 meals, three times a day. Our head chef Yensi does an amazing job with a total of 25
workers in the kitchen. He has five of his team that have been with him for five years or more.
All five can run the kitchen when Yensi is on a day off, which isn’t often.Twenty campers have
dietary restrictions that require special meals. A midday snack is provided each day, usually
yogurt, chips, goldfish, etc.
The meal tonight will be Yensi’s Thanksgiving dinner, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes,
corn and cranberry sauce. Think of this: 160 lbs of turkey, 150 lbs of potatoes to mash and
stove top stuffing. All of the preparation is started immediately after lunch is cleared and will be
ready by 6. Be sure to meet Yensi on your parents' visiting day and give him a special thanks.
That is it from the Realm. Next time I will tell you about our riding program. Hope you
enjoyed reading and when you sit down to breakfast, lunch and dinner, think of Yensi here at
camp keeping us well fed.
C and L

Day 2 at the Realm

Today was day #2 of the summer of ’24, and we started our out of camp program. We had 6 groups go on hikes today. The TP’s and the Jugglers ran up the mountain with the Saxons. They got back just as lunch was about to begin. Right after the meal ended our Scouts and Tumblers raced up Rattlesnake Mountain accompanied by our Scribes. Everyone made it to the top and enjoyed the view – today was perfectly sunny all day long. At rest hour today we opened our newly resurfaced tennis courts with a match between our former head of tennis and our new head of tennis. The whole camp watched and our former coach took the match. Also at rest hour we had tryouts for our U15 basketball team. Looks like we might have a good game at the West End House this week. Back at camp the waterfront was the place to be. We had swim lessons, paddleboards, peddle boats, waterskiing, sailing, it was a great day to be on the lake.  Up on the mainland I saw soccer drills, pickleball, volleyball games, and the flying squirrel was in high demand. It was a great start to the week. Stay tuned – tomorrow we will have more hikes, campfires, and a few surprises to make Tuesday awesome. As the famed program director Jerry Aldini once said ” Hey you have a good summer too!” (for those of you old enough to remember the movie Meatballs).

Sweet Dreams from the Realm

Full Day One

We could not have asked for a better opening day here at the Realm. The majority of our campers arrived yesterday. Each one was greeted as a returning hero or a new addition to our family. By the end of dinner last night everyone was part of the CRH family for summer of 2024. The energy and enthusiasm exhibited by our staff all day long made me proud in every way. My leadership team has been here for 17 days preparing for our opening. Twenty-three of our twenty-four Group Leaders have grown up at CRH before my eyes.

My staff are truly the secret sauce up here. Unlike any camp that I know of they continue to make sure each camper is safe and happy. Love for all things Camp Robin Hood unites the general staff, who are all former campers and spend every minute of the day with your kids. Our traditions, which have taken root and blossomed over the last 97 summers, are treasured and passed on by these fabulous young people.

I can’t express how grateful I am and how much I understand the responsibility of caring for all of your children. We promise to make every effort to ensure that every one of your kids catches the CRH bug and enjoys many more summers here at the Realm.

And all of this happened in spite of the fact that it has rained on and off since yesterday morning….

Greetings from The Realm

Today we officially began our 97th consecutive summer in the happiest place on earth. We started the morning off eagerly waiting for the campers to arrive, and with each arrival our family grew bigger and bigger. Although it was a rainy morning, the excitement was booming throughout the Realm. New and old faces were greeted by their counselors and soon to be best friends. The New York and Boston buses pulled in this afternoon and they were greeted with cheering and countless hugs. At dinner, we sung the welcome song and participated in a long lived tradition in which the youngest and oldest campers from boys camp and girls camp tear down a banner that signifies that the summer has officially begun! Tonight, we had fun-filled evening activities to get the summer started off on the right foot. Thank you for trusting us with your children, they are in good hands!