
Monthly Archives: June 2024

Woodchuck 6/30

Good evening from Camp Robinhood, I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend. Let me share the highlights of our Lazy Sunday here on Lake Ossipee.

Lazy Sunday: Our campers enjoyed an extra sleep-in this morning. The older kids seemed to appreciate it more than the younger campers—no surprise there!

Group Photos: We kicked off the morning with group photos by age. The anticipation is high to see how well they turned out!

Robinhood Classic Returns: In the afternoon, we had the much-anticipated Challenge Cup. Boys and girls from all age groups were randomly drawn to compete in various events—from lip-syncing to soccer. Who will be crowned the greatest age group on camp?

Sunday Sundaes: Our oldest campers generously treated everyone to delicious sundaes after a delicious dinner. A sweet way to end the day!

Staff Talent Show: To cap off the night, our leadership team danced, sang, and entertained everyone in the barn. It was a blast!

That’s all from us here at Camp Robinhood. Goodnight, and we’re excited for another amazing week ahead!


Woodchuck 6/29

Greetings from the lush, rain-kissed grounds of Camp Robinhood! As the sun peeked through the clouds, our spirited campers embarked on a day filled with laughter, learning, and camaraderie.

Our tinkerers, pagers, and jugglers kicked off the morning with a delightful trip to the local mini golf course. Who knows? Perhaps we’ve unearthed the next Tiger Woods or Annika Sörenstam! 

Meanwhile, our dedicated foresters and shires immersed themselves in the FNOO program. What’s FNOO, you ask? It stands for “For the Needs of Others.” In this heartwarming initiative, our young leaders learn valuable lessons about community service and lending a helping hand. Rain or shine, their commitment never wavers!

Despite the drizzle, Camp Robinhood buzzed with energy. Our fields echoed with laughter as campers played soccer, pickle ball, and taking part in dance-offs. And let’s not forget the serene beauty of Ossipee Lake—the perfect backdrop for canoeing, swimming, and quiet reflection.

As twilight settled in, our 15-and-under crew dashed off to West End for an intense basketball showdown. The court crackled with excitement, sneakers squeaking, and hearts racing. Who will emerge victorious? Only time will tell! 

As the stars twinkle above, we bid you goodnight. May dreams of adventure, friendship, and s’mores fill your hearts. Until tomorrow, goodnight.


Woodchuck 6/28

Another beautiful day in The Realm. It’s hard to believe it’s almost been one week. I guess we are proving the old adage “time flies when you’re having fun” to be true.

Today was the beginning of a new initiative this summer at RobinHood, FNOO. FNOO, which stands for “for the needs of others,” is something we say before every meal. The full sentence, “Make us ever mindful of the needs of others” is something we hope to instill in our staff and campers. Today, the Scouts, Tumblers, Jesters, Bows, TPs, Jugglers, Squires, and Archers got their first taste of the FNOO program, discussing empathy and justice within their group. Middle and senior campers will start tomorrow!

Elsewhere at camp, activities were in full swing. By now, every camper has had a chance to play on our newly resurfaced tennis courts. Our amazing tennis staff is planning some Wimbledon themed ideas in honor of the tournament starting next week. The Bards and Shires

Meanwhile, senior boys camp had a big day outside of The Realm. The Saxons enjoyed a morning long pontoon ride to the main lake in the morning while the Friars were out mini golfing. The Foresters were gone for the better part of the day trekking a double peak – Mount Morgan and Mount Percival.

This evening, we had a couple of HUGE challenges. The Squires took on the Health Center in a game of Blitzball. At the Rink, the Yeomen and Lancers battled each other in bombardment, where ultimately the Yeomen prevailed. After regular Evening Activities, the 15U boys basketball team scrimmaged some staff members in preparation for the big game against West End, which is tomorrow night.

Sweet dreams from 03836

Woodchuck 6/27

Woodchuck June 27, 2024

What a beautiful day at the Realm. In the morning, the Arrows attacked and conquered Mount Bale (apparently their time was faster than the Lancers). They said it was tough, but the climb was worth the gorgeous view and ice cream after. 

This morning, our 16 and under basketball team left for Indian Acres to play in a tournament.  They had a great experience and with some really intense competition, in the preliminary round they went 1-1 and, in the afternoon, lost a tough one in the playoffs by only 2 points to a tough O-At-ka team.

We hosted our first tournament of the summer today at the Realm. West End and Winaukee came to play against us for the 10 and under soccer tournament.  The hood entered 2 teams and one of our squads, the white team made it to the semi-finals and lost a close one to Winaukee.  The finals were very exciting; Robin Hood Green took the Championship with a 2-1 win keeping the trophy here at camp this summer.  

As I walk around tonight for evening activity, there are kids everywhere smiling and having so much fun. The Friars challenged the Foresters to a game of bombardment!  There are girl’s scavenger hunts, the Bows are at the waterfront jumping around and the Squires are heading to the outpost for s’mores and a camp out!  

We’re almost a week in, but it feels like mid-summer.  Campers are jumping up and dancing in the dining hall.  Chants of “Beat West End” have erupted as our 15 and under boys’ basketball team have been practicing and getting ready for their game this weekend.  

If you are lucky enough to be here to see it, the hardest thing to do is to wipe smiles off these campers faces. It’s not goodbye just time to say goodnight!   

Sweet dreams from the Realm.


Peter Corbin

Director, Boys Camp

6/26 Woodchuck

Greetings from the Realm where we are in a groove! There is nothing better than sunny weather. Our
10U boys’ soccer team has been busy preparing for our tournament on Thursday. We had so many
exceptional soccer players show up for try-outs that we are fielding two teams. Good luck to the boys
who kick off at 9:30am. Stay tuned to see how they did.
I have started a little tournament in Girls camp called “Brains and Braun”. This week, the Bows, Quills,
and Arrows are all competing for the grand prize of Dunkin’. This competition starts off with a physical
activity and ends with some brain power in the form of a 10 question test of knowledge. This week, all
of the groups played “Nitroball” which is a great volleyball-type game that really took off last summer.
We divided the groups into 3-4 teams and played a round robin tournament. They received points for
winning games. The last ten minutes, the teams answered 10 questions that I sourced from school (I am
a teacher) and they received 1 point for every right answer. This competition will continue into the
coming weeks following the same format with different sporting games and different trivia questions
until we get a winner. I have learned from my years of teaching PE that not everyone likes the physical
side of sports and games. When you pair it with trivia or questions from one of their other subjects,
motivation picks up and EVERYONE has something they can excel at. I really enjoy that aspect of my
time here at camp, something that I am getting to do more of…getting out of the office and having fun
with the greatest kids in the world.
Tomorrow promises to be a “really BIG day” to quote Woody. But aren’t they all…

Good night from the Realm!
